A powerful story of a young unwed mother who never forgets or gives up on a daughter stolen away at birth during the Depression. Experience the desperate search for love of this little girl, now being raised by a loveless, abusive woman, propelling her into a life of power, addiction, rock-n-roll, politics, and wild living.
Just when her life is spiraling out of control towards suicide, the relentless forces of God’s love and her real mother’s prayers and love are released to rescue her and bring the love she has been looking for all her life. Experience a long-awaited-for reunion of this birth mother and daughter, and watch as together, her life transforms into one filled with lavish love from God that spills over to others.
It is a work of Women’s Historical Fiction written from the perspectives of mother, daughter, and an added speculative twist of the angel God uses to deliver His gifts to them.
Pillow will be ready for the publishing process by December 2024!