
Grammarly. It’s not bad grammar or an invented new adverb. So just what is it? It’s an editing service I signed up for since I’m working on my writing skills and book. It’s like my toughest High School English Teacher, Mrs. Sneed, standing invisibly surveilling my computer 24/7, grading every keystroke I make. At the top right of everything I’m writing is an ever-climbing number that Ms. Grammarly, as I’ve named her, has declared “wrong” with her red pen. Oh, SO MANY red lines, and I am a comma mess, just sayin’.   

             I recently got an email from Ms. Grammarly with what appeared to be my month’s report card. It was better than expected after my red-line weariness and overused backspace and delete keys. The report, maybe a bit schmoozing to keep me on as a premium customer, was as follows:

  •  I had written 87,849 words, more productive than 94% of Grammarly users. Those who have gotten my lengthy texts or emails aren’t surprised!

  •  I was more accurate in mastery than 94% of Grammarly users. Hmmmm. That’s not saying much for their clientele, then. Their documents must be drowning in red ink.

  •  I used more unique words than 98% of Grammarly users.   I wonder if that includes the words I invent? I love the creative descriptions that fly out of my fingers, and looking up new words as I read. Word nerd I am!

  • The tones Grammarly detected were informative, confident, formal, curious, joyful, appreciative, and direct. I like that. Thank you, Ms. Grammarly. That’s a big improvement from my last blog of emotions (emotions, emotions)!

  • It gave me a two-week writing streak. I can write now that I’m off the cruise ship and Universal Studio's roller coasters. Woohoo! I am no longer Covid positive, AGAIN. The third or fourth time was not a charm, but it was just a cold and an excellent reason to be a hermit after all my travel! It’s good to be back at writing.

             It’s not fun to be constantly graded, especially approaching the beginning of my 6th decade of life, as I’m not used to it anymore, but there is no better way to learn than a red pen. I’ll keep Ms. Grammarly close by as my frenemy! I get to overrule her if I need to with a simple “DISMISS,” and I live for her “ALL CLEAR!”




May Newsletter